Five hundred years ago a revolutionary priest changed the face of Christendom and the path of European civilization forever. Risking his life and academic reputation, facing damnation and purgatory in 1517, he pinned his inflammatory 95 Theses to the church door in the Catholic church and the western world would never be the same again. His name was Martin Luther. This is a story of a group of people alive 500 years ago whose internal convictions led them to forge a new path - one that ultimately changed the world.
Director: Uwe Janson
With Maximilian Brückner, Jan Krauter, Johannes Klaußner, Joachim Król, Armin Rohde, Christoph Maria Herbst, Aylin Tezel and others
Genre: History Drama
Channel: ZDF
Year: 2017
Produktion company: UFA Fiction GmbH
Recorded by: Filmorchester Babelsberg
Sung in by: Filmchor Berlin