The Cologne Ballauf/Schenk investigate among cleaners: "More illusion than reality" is the unanimous opinion about the stabbed Ingo Broich. He was heir by profession, gambled and cared very little about his father's cleaning company. No wonder that Jakob Broich prefers to give his fortune to others - for example to his lawyer Beate von Prinz (Jeanette Hain). This puts the commissioners (Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär) in a piquant situation: Beate is soon among the suspects - and her husband is Ballaufs and Schenk's boss ...
Director: Andreas Herzog
With Klaus J. Behrendt, Dietmar Bär, Jeanette Hain, Christian Tasche and others
Genre: Krimi
Channel: ARD, WDR
Year: 2013
Produktion company: Colonia Media Filmproduktion GmbH
Zusammen mit Martin Tingvall und Robin Grubert Titelsong (SCHMIDT – „Heart Shaped Gun“). Einstieg Top 40 der offiziellen deutschen Single Charts, so wie Verkopplung auf diversen Musik Samplern wie Bravo Hits 80 u.a.